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January 20, 2010

Finance & Advisory Board Meeting
Georgetown, MA
January 20, 2010

The meeting came to order at 7:08 P.M. with the following persons present:
Members:        Robin O’Malley – chair, John Bonazoli - Clerk, Reggie Tardif, Jim Lacey, Andy Belliveau, Marybeth Foster

Guests: Phil Trapani – Board of Selectmen
Gary Fowler -   Board of Selectmen
Mike Farrell –  Town Administrator

Minutes taken by John Bonazoli

  • Budget presentation
Mike Farrell presented the draft submittal of the annual budget

  • Budget meeting schedule
Robin O’Malley led discussion of the department budget meeting schedule.  The FinCom will generate the schedule and the BOS will attend when possible  

  • Reserve fund transfer
Jim Lacey made a motion to transfer $5,000 from the reserve fund to Line 11621 Election Expense.  The motion was seconded by Reggie Tardif

The motion carried 6-0.

  • Snow and Ice deficit spending
Jim Lacey made a motion to allow the Highway Department to deficit spend snow and ice removal per MGL Ch 44, Sect 31D.  The motion was seconded by Reggie Tardif

The motion carried 6-0

Mike Farrell will look into the boundries of budgeting the snow and ice account.

Mike Farrell presented the YTD revenues and expenses
  • Minutes to be voted on: 11/16/09, 12/09/09
Jim Lacey made a motion to accept the minutes from 11/16/09 and 12/09/09. The motion was seconded by Reggie Tardif
The motion carried 6-0

A motion was made by Jim Lacey to adjourn and was seconded by Reggie Tardif.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:01 P.M.